NDSS'21: research paper

Hunting the Haunter — Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Spectre with Haunted RelSE

General topic

Relational symbolic-execution; Binary analysis; Cryptographic constant-time; Spectre attacks


Spectre attacks [1] are microarchitectural attacks, made public in 2018, that exploit processor optimizations in order to leak secret data manipulated by a program. In particular, these attacks exploit the speculation mechanisms used in processors to execute instruction ahead of time and improve the performance.

An attacker can mistrain the predictor in order to trigger a wrong prediction on the victim side. Following the wrong prediction, the victim executes transient instructions (i.e. incorrect instructions resulting from a misprediction). When the processor realizes that its guess is incorrect, it reverts the architectural state to the state before the prediction. However, transient execution leave microarchitectural side effects that can be exploited by an attacker to recover secrets data.

Take for instance the following program where the idx argument is attacker controlled and a secret is stored in secretarray. Note that the function leakThis(toLeak) leak the value of toLeak by encoding it in the cache where it can later be retrieved by an attacker via cache attacks.

In the regular semantics of the program, the attacker does not have access to the value of secretarray (even if we consider that they can observe the state of the cache and recover the value of toLeak).

However, with Spectre attacks, an attacker can mistrain the branch predictor to force the victim’s program to speculatively execute the true branch of the if-statement and execute leakThis(publicarray[131088]) which leaks the value of secretarray[0].

uint32_t publicarray_size = 16;
uint8_t publicarray[16] = { 1 .. 16 };
uint8_t publicarray2[512 * 256];
uint8_t secretarray[16]; // Secret data

// This function encodes toLeak in the cache
void leakThis(uint8_t toLeak) {
  tmp &= publicarray2[toLeak * 512];

void case_1_masked(uint32_t idx) { // idx=131088
  if(idx < publicarray_size) {   // Mispeculated
    // Out-of-bound read, reads secretarray[0]
    uint8_t toLeak = publicarray[idx];
    leakThis(toLeak); //Leaks secretarray[0]

This type of Spectre attack which exploits the conditional branch predictor, is called Spectre-PHT (or Spectre-v1). There are four variants of Spectre based on the speculation mechanism they exploit, and we refer the interested reader to an excellent survey by Canella, Claudio, et al. [2] if they want to learn more about these variants. In our work we focus on two variants, Spectre-PHT (a.k.a Spectre v1) and Spectre-STL (a.k.a Spectre v4) respectively exploiting conditional branch predictions and memory disambiguation mechanism in store-to-load forwarding (more details in the paper).

In the end, Spectre attacks exploit speculation mechanisms and microarchitectural side-channels.

Speculative Constant-time

To protect against microarchitectural side-channels, cryptographic libraries such as OpenSSL, Libsodium, etc., use constant-time programming. It basically means that the program is designed in such a way that the timing behavior of the program and the microarchitectural state are independent from the secrets (see our article on Binsec/Rel for more information on timing attacks and constant-time).

The problem with constant-time is that it is not sufficient to protect against Spectre attacks (for instance our illustrative example is constant-time but still vulnerable to Spectre attacks).

Speculative constant-time [3] is an adaptation of constant-time that includes the speculative semantics of the program and allows to reason about Spectre attacks. Still, few verification tools are able to detect Spectre attacks or verify speculative constant-time and most of them do not scale.

Challenge: The speculative semantics of the program introduces new transient behaviors that must be modeled by verification tools. If not handled carefully, these new behaviors can quickly leads to state explosion. The challenge is to optimize the exploration in order to make the analysis applicable to real code.

Our proposal

Symbolic analyzers for Spectre model the speculative behavior explicitly, by forking the execution to explore transient paths. The adaptation of symbolic execution to constant-time-like properties, known as relational symbolic execution (RelSE), has proven very successful in terms of scalability and precision for binary level. Our key technical insight is adapt RelSE to represent transient executions at the same time as regular executions (i.e. executions related to correct speculations). We name this technique Haunted RelSE.

We implement Haunted RelSE in a tool called Binsec/Haunted, built on top of Binsec/Rel [4], our prior tool for constant-time analysis at binary level. We Evaluate it on small test cases as well as real-world cryptographic code from donna, Libsodium and OpenSSL libraries. Interestingly, our experiments revealed that (1) index-masking, a well-known defense used against Spectre-PHT, may introduce new Spectre-STL vulnerabilities—for which we propose and verify correct implementations; (2) and that a popular option of gcc to generate position-independent code (PIC) may introduce Spectre-STL vulnerabilities.


  • We design a dedicated technique on top of RelSE, named Haunted RelSE, to efficiently analyze speculative executions and detect Spectre-PHT and -STL violations, and formally prove that this technique is correct;
  • We propose a verification tool, called Binsec/Haunted, implementing Haunted RelSE and evaluate it on small test cases as well as real-world cryptographic code. Our experimental evaluation shows that Binsec/Haunted can find violations of speculative constant-time in real-world cryptographic code, such as donna, Libsodium and OpenSSL libraries and is more efficient than prior tools;
  • To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report that index-masking–a well-known defense against Spectre-PHT–and PIC options from the gcc compiler may introduce Spectre-STL vulnerabilities.

Further information
