PhD position on software vulnerability detection and fuzzing

We have one open position to work for 3 years as a PhD student on artful vulnerability detection with fuzzing.

TITLE - Making fuzzers better at finding software vulnerabilities.

TOPIC - Fuzzing refers to a process of repeatedly running a program with automatically generated inputs to trigger crashes, hinting at possible code vulnerabilities that can then be fixed. A major challenge in the field is moving from indistinct program exploration towards artful triggering of serious vulnerabilities. Taking advantage of our team’s expertise and previous works, the selected candidate will propose, implement and evaluate ways to overcome this challenge, mainly relying on finer-grained guidance mechanisms.

KEYWORDS - fuzzing, software testing, code analysis, vulnerability detection

SUPERVISION - Supervision will be provided by Michaël Marcozzi and Hélène Waeselynck.

HOSTING - You will be hosted at the CEA offices, part of the Paris-Saclay research cluster.

To apply, please check out the detailed application procedure and job info.

When to apply - As soon as possible! We process applications as soon as they arrive (depending on our own availability ^^), so don’t be too late.